God often speaks with an inside voice.
In fact, that’s His preferred method of communication.
It requires that you listen carefully, and in great faith.
Of course, there are different kinds of inside voices. [click to continue…]
Leading people is like learning to drive.

It’s easy to grab the wheel and start turning here and there.

[click to continue…]

You lose the right to privacy when you fail to be ordinary.
If you stand out, you’d better be ready to stand up.
Spectacular successes and epic face-plants invite public scrutiny…
Divided opinions…
Loose-lipped speculation…
And endless reminders that people like you…
Or don’t.
The alternative? [click to continue…]

(In 100 words, every New Testament reference, in order, from John to 1 John, describing God’s vision for how Christ followers act toward each other. Read this slowly. Thoughtfully. Out loud if possible. Learn some things… watch the flow, note the repetitions… and remember, this means both giving and receiving, so go back and re-read it as a potential receiver. Leave a comment and tell me what you find. )
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God grant me serenity to call the impossible, possible with You,
Vision to see the achievable in obviously-hopeless situations,
And wisdom to discern the difference.
Give me faith to boldly ask You for the unthinkable, [click to continue…]

Most Christians live as if Jesus doesn’t get it.
Sure, He can create the universe and conquer unseen demon hordes.
But apparently He’s clueless about your money, relationships, or dreams.
Forget the fact that He called Himself the “Son of Man” 81 times.
When it comes to really understanding, Jesus appears out of touch at best…
Stupid at worst. [click to continue…]

“What I’m about to tell you is true. You need to change and become like little children. If you don’t, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Anyone who takes the humble position of this child is the most important in the kingdom of heaven. Anyone who welcomes a little child like this one in my name welcomes me” (Matthew 18:3-5, NIRV).
What started as an argument over greatness ended in one brief demonstration.
The greatest, Jesus said, was the one who humbled himself as a little child.
What’s the difference between that and typical adulthood? [click to continue…]

Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7, NET).
It’s one thing to be prayerless and anxious.
You can pray, though, and still be anxious. [click to continue…]

When everything’s urgent and demands attention now…
And everywhere you turn invites stress at best, frustration at worst…
It’s hard to think, much less act, positively.
So remember again how you eat that elephant… [click to continue…]