100 Words

Say Good-bye To Your Frog Mummy

by Andy Wood on March 18, 2013

in 100 Words, Photos


What a wondrous time… when in a matter of days winter’s chill …

Winter Chill

Gives way to the life and hope of spring. [click to continue…]

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Five Signs of a Possible Home Invasion

by Andy Wood on February 18, 2013

in 100 Words, Photos

Your home is a sanctuary… your last defense against this crazy world.

That’s why you should be prepared to recognize the often-subtle signs that accompany a breach of your outer perimeter.  Here are five things to watch for:

1.  Your instincts tell you that something just doesn’t seem right.


Home Invasion 4

[click to continue…]

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It’s TaB, Baby!

by Andy Wood on February 13, 2013

in 100 Words, Photos


It’s hard to explain to a Diet Coke fan
Or a four-wheel-drive, six-pack and Marlboro man,
But I still get my kicks from a little pink can –
It’s TaB, baby.  Yeah, it’s TaB.
[click to continue…]

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Angels and Alligators

by Andy Wood on January 16, 2013

in 100 Words

Geese in Worship

And every created thing which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all things in them, I heard saying,

“To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever” (Revelation 5:13).

Even the sharks and sheep dogs praise Him.

The black widows and cobras declare His worth.

Taken literally, this would also include the plant kingdom.

Seaweed and sea serpents.

Mountains and moles.

Angels and Alligators. [click to continue…]

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Pulling the Wagon

by Andy Wood on November 19, 2012

in 100 Words, Leadership, Life Currency, Photos

Leading people is like pulling a wagon.

It can be complicated and frustrating to over-analyze or steer from the rear. [click to continue…]

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by Andy Wood on November 11, 2012

in 100 Words

He may have never fired a shot in battle.

But a nation slept peacefully last night because he grabbed a rifle and stood his post.

She may have been criticized for serving an unpopular cause or occupying a non-traditional role.

But thousands of voices are free to cry out – even in criticism – because she does her duty. [click to continue…]

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Is He Worthy of Honor When Your Heart is Broken?

by Andy Wood on October 19, 2012

in 100 Words

It’s one thing to honor God when your quiver, nest and storehouses are full.

Honoring Him in times of great loss is quite another.

[click to continue…]

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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

He had my attention at “prosper.”

That’s what He said His plan was.

He’d turn my adversity into a hope and a future.

No more bondage.

No longer dogged by a shameful past.

Just the sure promise – it’s gonna get better.

Then He threw me a curve. [click to continue…]

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The Finisher

by Andy Wood on September 4, 2012

in 100 Words

Then He took the twelve aside and said to them, “Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem, and all things which are written through the prophets about the Son of Man will be accomplished” (Luke 18:31).

God is a finisher.

He fulfills His intentions and finishes what He starts.

He’s a promise keeper.

Nobody has ever heard the Lord address a promise, however hopeful or dreadful, and say, “Aw, disregard that.” [click to continue…]

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A Reading of the Will

by Andy Wood on July 12, 2012

in 100 Words, Esteem, Life Currency

but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things… (Hebrews 1:2, ESV)

Jesus Christ has been appointed the heir of all things.

That includes you.

When the Father bequeathed His treasures to the Son, He named you in that inheritance.

That says something about your value and worth to God. [click to continue…]

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