(A Brief Conversation about symbols and change and heritage and hate and other awkward things…)
What’s wrong with it? It represents who I am.
It also represents some things you don’t want to be.
It’s my heritage!
Some would say it’s hatred. [click to continue…]

There’s a productivity that gets things done.
There’s another productivity that makes things one… that nourishes the soul and flourishes into gratitude…
This is Productivity of the Soul.
Both are important. [click to continue…]

Thi lad I kne – a rathe larg, joll sor – onc joke, “I don’ hav a proble wit diet. I star on ever Monda!”
Th jok, o cours, hint a th proble.
Sor o lik th ki wh joine m scou troo afte bein a membe o tw other an wantin t star ove, workin o th ran o Tenderfoo.
H like startin. Bu no pressin o o finishin. [click to continue…]
Seventy miles above the earth’s surface, a satellite captures the image of a single majestic sequoia tree, rising 300 feet above the barren wasteland that once was California.
Okay, just kidding.
About California, anyway.
It really is a sequoia tree.
Not 300 feet tall, yet.
More like 3 inches. [click to continue…]

This is an epic photographic failure.
A tight shot of these delightful flowers on a sunny spring day became anything but.
The shutter fired way too fast; the results were embarrassing.
A disaster.
Hello “delete” button.
But then my photo failure, in the domain of editing software, became something completely different. [click to continue…]

19 For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, 20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven (Colossians 1:19-20).
It pleased God to reconcile me to Himself through the blood of Christ’s cross.
This was His initiative.
The blood Jesus shed satisfied God’s righteous wrath, aimed against me because of my sin.
Now He takes pleasure in the reconciliation of all things in heaven and earth. [click to continue…]

I don’t knit.
My sister tried to teach me when we were kids.
It wasn’t pretty.
My wife knits.
My daughters too.
Not me.
But you know who else does? [click to continue…]

Driver ahead has precious cargo.
He’s creeping along the slow lane with a new mattress and box spring strapped to his little trailer.
Any other day, I’d whiz by without a second thought.
But not today.
My cargo’s precious, too… a top-heavy banana pudding, topped with meringue, perched precariously in the back seat.
So I fall in line and follow… slowly.
Some things were meant for the slow lane, and only fools try to hurry them. [click to continue…]

Here it is!
Mobile’s answer to one-stop shopping.
While you’re picking up your Tommee Tippee Back to Nature bottle warmer (currently on sale at you-gotta-be-kidding-me prices), you can also check out some fake blood or a Walking Dead costume next door.
We’re talking odd couple convenience, friends. [click to continue…]

The clock in my office, as you can see, says it’s 8:24.
Come back in an hour, it’ll say the same thing.
All day, every day, 8:24.
What the picture doesn’t show is that the battery isn’t dead.
The clock ticks.
The pendulum swings.
Regardless, the results are the same. [click to continue…]