Dear Nurse Ratched,
I just thought I should let you know that in the event I’m having symptoms of a heart attack or stroke, I probably won’t be signing in.
I’ll be more concerned about checking out.
Of course, the whole stroke thingy is a bit dicey anyway, ‘cause I have a 50/50 chance of being unable to use my left (writing) hand.
And if I think I’m having a heart attack, I’ll assure you, you won’t be able to read my writing.
You’ll just have to open the door and say,
“Mr. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH, the doctor will see you now.”
(Photo by Mike Tekula)

When through fiery trials thy pathways shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t walk through “the fire” alone?
Isn’t it interesting that we nevertheless must walk through the fire?
God doesn’t seem to need our advice for how hot the flames should be,
or even where in the natural they come from.
He only asks that, when the pathway leads through them, we keep moving.
And when the flames taunt, we keep trusting.
(Lyrics from “How Firm a Foundation.” Photo credit: AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa de Olza)
(For more stunning photography from the San Bartolome de Pinares in Spain, click here)
To celebrate in another that which makes him gloriously unique…
To raise her to a position of influence or respect – even if in your heart alone…
To turn to him in need, confident that he’s faithful and capable of meeting it…
To admit your failings, trusting that her grace is greater…
To forgive his offenses of motive or action…
To find in her the safety that only the strong arms of love can deliver…
To remind them of who they are and what they possess…
This is the gift of honor… the finest offering and most God-like language you have.
Oh, the breathtaking joy of living hands-free!
Of living without seizing control – of my life or yours.
Of dropping my guard and relaxing my fist and my grip…
And trusting that He is my shield and healer, my righteousness and guide.
Oh, what these hands can do if Someone else is at the controls of my life!
Raised to Him in worship…
Extended to you to serve…
Opened to you to touch and support…
Holding the hands of those we cherish most…
Ready to hold you or that which is precious to you…
Pointing the way for others to follow.
When you’re wounded in the battle, knocked down and winded, get up.
When you’re shamed and blamed, defenseless and without excuses, get up.
When your “friends” abandon you in the darkness or point out the obvious by accusing you in the light, get up.
When the enemy comes in like a flood to kick you when you’re down or to rejoice over your wounds, get up.
When the easiest thing in the world to do is just to lie there and bleed, get up!
“A righteous man will fall seven times.” But he will rise again. Get up!
Get up!
by Andy Wood on November 11, 2009
in 100 Words
For every mother who saw her son off to something benignly called, “deployment,”
For every pharmacist, plumber, or school teacher who learned the true meaning of “citizen soldier,”
For every sailor who remembers Pearl Harbor, or Marine who stormed Normandy,
For every soldier who remembers Fort Hood, Saigon, or Baghdad,
For every mechanic who ever rebuilt a helicopter engine, or pilot who left a vapor trail in the name of freedom,
For every broken heart, haunted in a cemetery by the last fading notes of “Taps,”
For every tri-cornered flag, decorated grave, or salute rendered on this day…
Thank you.
There are two kinds of work – work that drains, and work that energizes.
There are two kinds of rest – rest that re-creates, and rest that only adds to the fatigue, loneliness, isolation, or emptiness.
None of us were created to work incessantly. We were all created with a built-in cry for a Sabbath – a rest.
Unfortunately, we live in a culture with plenty of instructions for work, and precious few for re-creation.
Sometimes the rest is calling, but we can’t answer.
So here’s a thought: If you can’t take the day off and rest, take the day ON and reenergize.
Laura Kate Wiley is finding her voice.
At 17 months, she’s off to a good start.
With safe surroundings and a fearless heart,
A free spirit and a supportive family,
She plays and rests and dreams and wants –
Sincerely believing that what she has to say actually matters.
She will need these things again and again,
As her world evolves and her voice is threatened.
Nobody can sing the songs meant for her alone.
Again and again, she will have to find her heart with clarity,
And express her mind with grace and courage.
So will you.
Find your voice.
This is what government does.
The distant sidewalk: built to code when the dentists built their exquisite office next door.
The near sidewalk: also built to code two years later on our site.
I’m sure to somebody in an office somewhere, the changes made sense at the time.
I’m also sure that somebody in that office will decide that one of us (probably us) has to fix the problem.
At our expense, of course.
Multiply this times trillions, and you’ll understand why some people are wary of the Federal government.
Not sure that’s what they meant by “promoting domestic tranquility.”
And Jonathan made David swear again by his love for him, for he loved him as he loved his own soul (1 Samuel 20:17).
To give yourself willingly to meet another’s needs…
To protect God’s gifts and work in his life…
To risk being misunderstood, even by family, for her benefit…
To see in him, and invest in, the greatness of his destiny…
To show kindness, even to her children and beyond…
To see the hand and life of God as your ultimate bond…
THESE are the ways of a lifetime friend.
THIS is the heart of the soul mate.