
by Andy Wood on January 24, 2010

in 100 Words, Five LV Laws, Hoarders, Life Currency, Love, LV Alter-egos, Principle of Freedom

Oh, the breathtaking joy of living hands-free!

Of living without seizing control – of my life or yours.

Of dropping my guard and relaxing my fist and my grip…

And trusting that He is my shield  and healer, my righteousness and guide.

Oh, what these hands can do if Someone else is at the controls of my life!

Raised to Him in worship…

Extended to you to serve…

Opened to you to touch and support…

Holding the hands of those we cherish most…

Ready to hold you or that which is precious to you…

Pointing the way for others to follow.

Ivy January 25, 2010 at 8:15 am

So true. We struggle with this continually. Next month we have interviews with various pastors for internship. It is hard to wait and let the Spirit and the process work. It’s tempting to try to short circuit the process. Blessings.
.-= Ivy´s last blog ..Tomorrow’s Sermon Today =-.

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