All Your works shall give thanks to You, O Lord… Psalm 145:10
This is a work of God.
This little guy has lived at my house longer than I have.
Throughout the summer he’s maintained this exquisite work of art, despite several collisions with humans.
He’s not alone.
He joins with all creation, using their gifts and design, worshipping their Creator.
And on days like this, I get to have a front-row seat.
Blue jays, cardinals and mockingbirds call to each other nearby.
The squirrels interrupt their play to begin making preparations for winter; one just came to check out the rear deck rail to see if I had left any nuts for him this morning.
In the creek behind the house, a massive chorus of frogs will herald the onset of evening.
Crickets will soon join the chorus of night praise.
Another steady stream of insects has taken on the day shift with gusto and passion.
Emboldened and inspired, a cockroach emerges to join the celebration.
So I introduce him to Jesus.
It’s the least I can do.
Don’t be the reason the rocks have to cry out today.
Don’t get so lost in your busyness that you get left behind by the birds, frogs and insects.
Come join the celebration!
Unless you’re a roach and are ready for your rupture rapture.
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photo cred on that spider
Back! Back, o thou roach!
(Oh, okay… Spider photo by Joel Wood.)
I love joining in with nature’s celebration, and enjoy every moment I am still and quiet, simply taking in God’s incredible creation all around me. Oh, and I love the photo of the squirrel; Grey, the squirrel, is one of my major characters in The Glade Series. Have a soft spot in my heart for squirrels everywhere.
Blessings, Andy!
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