Tightening Your Grip

by Andy Wood on February 25, 2014

in 100 Words

Aiming Shotgun

Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess (Hebrews 4:14, NIV)

Ever yank the trigger on a shotgun?

You probably learned an important lesson.

And you may have learned it the hard way… [click to continue…]

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In his classic book, The Friendship Factor, Alan Loy McGinnis gives the following characteristics of a good listener:

1.  Good listeners listen with their eyes.

2.  Good listeners dispense advice sparingly.

3.  Good listeners never break a confidence.

4.  Good listeners “complete the loop” of communication.

5.  Good listeners show gratitude when someone confides.

That certainly works in your relationships with people. But it’s also an opportunity to remind you that the God of Heaven invites us into a friendship with Him.  In some ways, the things Dr. McGinnis has to say about listening well to other people can translate into listening to the Lord.  Based on his wise advice, let me offer a few suggestions for being a good listener in the spiritual realm: [click to continue…]

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What comes to mind when you hear the word, “Grace?”

Assuming you’ve moved past the former Princess of Monaco or a description of Fred and Ginger (disclaimer: they were before my time), most people with any exposure to the Bible or Church World will mention the cherished hymn.

Or, of course, what the cherished hymn refers to:

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.

And there it is… grace served for breakfast in the Christian walk.  Where would we be without the marvelous, infinite, matchless grace of the Lord Jesus?

For a lot of people, however, that’s where the conversation ends.  God in His grace sent His Son to die so that I could be forgiven for my sin – and once I turned away from that sin and received Jesus Christ as my savior and Lord, I experienced the beauty of God’s grace.

See what that all has in common? Vital as it all is, it’s all pointed toward the past.

Do a little digging in your New Testament – especially Paul’s writing, and you’ll see a different story.  Check this out: [click to continue…]

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Bible on Table

During World War II a South Sea Islander proudly displayed his Bible to an American GI.  “We’ve outgrown that sort of thing,” the American replied.

“It’s a good thing we haven’t,” smiled the native.  “If it wasn’t for this book, you’d have been a meal by now!”

Do you ever find yourself feeling restless or uncomfortable when you hear someone else quote the Bible in public?  Do you find yourself at times living like the American GI, as though you’d “outgrown that sort of thing?”

The truth is, you never outgrow your need for the word of God because you never outgrow your need for the voice of God.  Ever since the days of Eden, however, the enemy has tried to stand between us and our most authentic source of life.

Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  Why is it so important to hear God speak?  [click to continue…]

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Love that Lasts Forever

by Andy Wood on February 14, 2014

in Life Currency, Love

Forever Love Wordle

In his famous poem Desiderata, Max Ehrmann cautioned, “…neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.”

I think he was right.

But I also think I know what makes people cynical about love.

Having stood on the solo side more than 200 times as a man and woman use the most famous words in promise-making – “’til death do us part” – then assemble plenty of substitutes for “death” as the reason love goes awry, it’s hard sometimes not to get a little jaded.

But on this day that we set aside to celebrate love, apparently in all its manifestations, I am thankful to be part of a Kingdom that still speaks of love with the language of forever.  And God didn’t blink, cough or shuffle side to side when He talked about love.

Love is as powerful as death; passion is as strong as death itself.  It bursts into flame and burns like a raging fire. Water cannot put it out; no flood can drown it.  But if anyone tried to buy love with his wealth, contempt is all he would get (Song of Solomon 8:6-7 TEV).

See that?  God gets passion.  But He also understands that Forever Love is more than pleasure, and it’s oblivious to wealth or other distractions.  So what’s so different about this Love that Lasts Forever? [click to continue…]

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This is about the time I tried to climb a tree.

In a car.

I did not succeed.

I walked away (literally).  Neither the car nor the tree were very appreciative.

Fayette, Alabama, early 90s. I was minding my own business when…


Oh.  OK. Starting over…

Fayette, Alabama, early 90s.  I wasn’t paying attention.

(How was that?)

I was making the little run from my house to the office – something I did every day at least twice a day.  In between one neighborhood and another was a stretch of about half a mile that was sort of woodsy and country.

And there was this little ditch.

I’d never noticed it before.  But you can be sure I never ignored it again after this day.  The ditch was just wide enough for my right tires to slip right in.  And slip they did.

What I’m describing to you happened at about 30 miles per hour in a matter of seconds.  The car slipped off the road and the wheels slipped into a ditch as if I were in an oversized slot car game.

I should probably point out here that while my car, like most cars, had two foot pedals, I always figured the big one was mostly for decoration.  So like most oops-the-road situations, I didn’t hit the brakes – I just tried to wheel my way back out of the ditch.

That wasn’t happening.

What was happening was the sudden appearance of this massive oak tree. Y’all, it just jumped out of nowhere.  It saw me coming and the acorns went to work. Next thing I knew the ditch forced me to introduce myself to the tree.  I swear I had nothing to do with it.

That what I explained to the insurance company anyway.  They sorta looked at me like I left my brain back at the oak tree.

Anyway, rewinding… still moving along about 25 mph, I kept trying to wheel my way out of my slot-shaped ditch.  The thought didn’t occur to me – not once – to hit the brakes.  So yes, I wound up ramming my car into the tree and actually fender-climbing it a bit.

Nothing hurt but my pride.  Well, and the car, which I never drove again.                                            

This real-life experience has become a metaphor for me for what can often happen in life.  I’ve seen it happen to people’s careers.  Their influence.  Their personal lives at whatever level. Their relationships.  Somewhere, somehow, without wanting to, they hit the ditch.  And they’re stuck, and powerless, and a bit wrecked or hurt, and they’re halfway up a tree and without help, they ain’t going nowhere.

Yes, I’ve seen it happen to me.

Nobody sets out to wreck their lives or loves by hitting the ditch.  But in a state of mass humanization, it can happen – easily – to the best of us.  With a bit of a rewind and post-car-mortem, maybe there are a few things we can learn about that experience. [click to continue…]

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When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:21-22).

They’re called watershed moments.  Critical turning points.  They’re moments in time when nothing that follows will ever be the same as before. And for the most significant of those, we may spend a lifetime unpacking what actually changed.

The watershed experience in the life of Jesus described above – when He was baptized – reminds me of the most significant watershed experience you or I could have – the day Jesus comes to indwell our lives.  And just as the experience of Jesus was a triune experience, with the Holy Spirit descending and the Father affirming, so, too was mine.  And the same is true for you, if you have trusted Him as your Lord and Savior.

Just what did you receive at conversion? [click to continue…]

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Bible and Sword

God is making your obedience known to all – far more people than you realize.

They see the work He is doing in your life.

And those who hunger for God will be drawn to you.

In your past you have been wise concerning what is evil.

You must now pursue the wisdom of the pure.

And soon the God of Peace will crush Satan under your feet.  [click to continue…]

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Soul to Soul

by Andy Wood on February 5, 2014

in 100 Words, Insight, Life Currency, Words


“In Paris they simply stared when I spoke to them in French; I never did succeed in making those idiots understand their language.”  -Mark Twain

 In communication, clarity rules.

But logic is only one way people make sense of things. [click to continue…]

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Moonrise 2

When the clock tolls the launch of a new dawn
And people start stumbling toward their routines,
There in the early light of day many are searching for more –
They’re looking for the light…
They’re looking for you.

When the morning meditators do their thing
And the quiet prayers of hidden millions ascend to heaven,
There in the expressions of thanks and need and hope
They’re looking for the light…
They’re looking for you. [click to continue…]

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