100 Words

The Issue in the Storm

by Andy Wood on October 1, 2020

in 100 Words

It’s easy to believe Jesus can do it Himself.

Not quite as easy, but certainly doable, to believe Jesus can do something for somebody else.

It’s another matter to believe Jesus can do something for me.

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Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the second time, while he was still confined in the court of the guard, saying, “Thus says the Lord who made the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it, the Lord is His name, ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:1-3).

God doesn’t stop being God just because I stop feeling strong.

He doesn’t stop being creative when I run out of ideas.

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To Touch and Be Touched

by Andy Wood on June 13, 2019

in 100 Words

It’s one thing to envision something from a distance; it’s another to lay eyes on the problem.

It’s one thing to imagine something in the abstract. It’s another to see it in the concrete.

Anybody who ever solved a problem or reached a goal started with an idea or a vision.

But nobody ever solved a problem or reached a goal just by romancing it.

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Never Alone

by Andy Wood on February 11, 2019

in 100 Words, Life Currency, Love, LV Cycle, Waiting

Your confusion doesn’t confuse God.

Your weakness doesn’t separate you from His hand of power.

Your wandering doesn’t isolate you from His leading.

Your loneliness doesn’t deny His steadfast presence.

Even your death is no barrier to His manifest care.

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The only time anybody ever accepted responsibility for their lives and future is NOW.

Responsibility isn’t planned; no one ever scheduled responsibility or added it to their to-do list.

Nor is it calculated. You don’t sequence responsibility with a series of other steps.

Responsibility doesn’t look backwards. [click to continue…]

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Can You Tell Me, What is Pride?

by Andy Wood on August 4, 2018

in 100 Words, Photos

Can you tell me, What is Pride?

A setup for falling if your only view’s the mirror…

Theater of division if you focus on race or ethnicity.

Create “we” out of “I” however, and when “we” charge the world together,

Heart-borne pride becomes the wonder we share

In serving something bigger, uniting us together.

Now pride happy-dances with humility and

Glories in ways we resemble and differ.

Furthermore, when new generations

Own and advance your legacy…

Xenophiles, teachers, Kingdom builders, preachers…

Everlasting pride is the gratitude you feel that

Somehow God would give you an earthbound witness to His glory.

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If you’ve been knocked down, get up.

If you’re too tired to take another step, but you’re not “there” yet, press on.

If your heart’s been broken, your trust betrayed, find an anchor for your soul and dig in. [click to continue…]

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God has ways of doing things.

His ways are different that our way of doing things.

There’s a way that makes sense to us, but the results are disastrous.

But God has different ways.

And He asks us to walk in all of them. [click to continue…]

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“The Lord has made everything for its own purpose…” (Proverbs 16:4).

That includes you and me.

More than just a living “who” or “what,” we’re all rooted in the rich, fertile soil of “why.” [click to continue…]

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and in the wilderness where you saw how the LORD your God carried you, just as a man carries his son, in all the way which you have walked until you came to this place. (Deuteronomy 1:31)

You thought you were walking.

You thought you were slogging on, one trudging step at a time.

You thought the miles were your miles, your blisters and callouses also.

You thought it was your unpleasant surprises.

Your frightful experiences.

Your daily grind.

But you may have missed another viewpoint… one rooted in a higher story. [click to continue…]

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