(The Spiritual Passion Edition)
What happens when senioritis and spring fever hit at the same time? That all depends, I guess, on whether you’re the student who’s writing or the one who’s grading.
But even if you’re neither – if you’re the poor soul who must trudge off to work, there is something to be learned and something to be challenged by.
So while I’m plowing through papers in search of the next little nuggets of profound writing, I thought I would share some insights from former students. These aren’t about spring fever, but spiritual passion. And they’re very well put. It’s a quick read, but I think you’ll be blessed and challenged. And if you’d like to see more of these, click here and here.
So slow down a minute, enjoy these seven nuggets of great writing, but also take your spiritual pulse while you’re at it. You’ll be glad you did. [click to continue…]
It usually starts in the fingers and toes. Then blitzes the middle of the back, radiating out from there.
It’s cold. Oh baby, it’s cold. And those extremities start to go into rebellion. They just…don’t… want… to… moooove.
Do you know what I’m talking about? Throw on the socks, wrap up in the blankie, and you’re still shivering. Body parts you usually ignore are sending you a signal – Do something now! Your ears – normally quite the lady or gentleman – are getting a bit irritate with all this. Your already-cold nose starts running – for cover.
Oh baby, it’s cold.
For relief, you look outside for some sunny encouragement. What you find are swelled up birds, vapor-blowing animals, and icicles on your icicles. The ground is so frozen that even with the howling wind (was that a chill that just ran up your back?), nothing moves. [click to continue…]
Passion is in. I was reminded of that today as I finished the latest chapter of the book that Kaye, my sister-in-law, and I are working on together.
Passion is a cool word, and you’re cool if you use it in a sentence. Extra points if your face is filled with passion when you use “passion” in the aforesaid sentence.
Tony Robbins ends all the sessions in his famous audio series with it. “Live with passion!” he says. Sure beats the alternative. (Die with boredom?) Anyway…
There’s a huge college and young adult ministry called Passion that has been a driving force for worship influences, discipleship and evangelism for more than a decade now. Even the name connects with something that people sense a yearning for.
“Passions” is the name of a daytime drama, and passion.com is a sex-based dating service. Same word; different meaning entirely.
Sports fans talk about a passion for the game, or a passion for winning. Talk to a Cardinals, Red Sox, or Yankees fan on opening day. Hang out in a barbecue or beer joint in Birmingham around Thanksgiving weekend. Or watch Dale Jr. do – well, just about anything – and you’ll see passion.
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