
Who is the shyest person you know?  Picture them in your mind.  Got it?  Good.  Now…

Imagine that person at the end of his or her life.  And sometime just before they kiss this world good-bye they’re the guest of honor at the most amazing invitation-only celebration.  This party is reserved for those whose life has somehow been touched – influenced – by Shy Guy himself.

Care to hazard a guess how many names are on the invitation list?

Ten thousand.  A myriad.  Ten thousand people whose lives are influenced by the most reserved, quiet girl or guy you know.

That’s nothing compared to the lives that have been impacted by bubbly ol’ you.  And this isn’t about somebody else’s influence.  It’s about yours.

This is about your myriad.  Or in your case, perhaps your million.  It’s about all the people who make decisions because of you.  Who make changes because of you.  Who establish relationships, try something new, dig deeper, grow wiser, or go farther because of your influence.  Or, it’s about the people who grow hard-hearted, discouraged, dispirited, or fearful because you showed them how.

Somebody’s watching.  Somebody’s doing.  Somebody’s believing.  Somebody’s changing.  And they all have you to thank. [click to continue…]

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Want to spend a little time in a lab?

Forget the white coat, safety glasses, and things that smell like they’d melt your skin if they ever touched it.  This is a different kind of experiment.

In four days I’m going to post a new article about a yet-to-be determined subject.  Today and two days from now, I’d like to show you how I get there.

The article will be an outgrowth of something that is a passion of mine:  taking truth from God’s word and applying it in a practical, relevant, way – first to my life, then to the lives of others.

There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles about revelation of God’s truth.  What’s often missing is relevation – making that truth relevant to specific life issues and dimensions.  That’s what I want to show you today – how I apply God’s truth to the power bill, or my relationships with friends or students, or my goals or time management or weaknesses or any other issue that presents itself. [click to continue…]

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It’s a Good Day to Be Dead

by Andy Wood on April 18, 2010

in Ability, Life Currency, Tense Truths

I have a friend who used to say, every time somebody asked how he was, “It’s a good day to be dead.”

No, he was not a Klingon, or a descendent of Crazy Horse.   He was actually referring to one of the most revolutionary truths in the Christian life.  And truth be told, he wouldn’t just stop with the whole dead thing.  He’d say, “It’s a good day to be dead, and alive in Christ.”

The truth to which he was referring is expressed most succinctly in Galatians 2:20.  Here’s how the New Century Version translates it:

I was put to death on the cross with Christ, and I do not live anymore — it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my body, but I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself to save me.

The implications of Paul’s simple declaration are profound.  It tells me what I have received in order to live victoriously in this life, and to fulfill my purpose for which God created me and saved me.

I have received the life of Christ (“Christ lives in me”).

I have received Christ’s faith (“the faith of the Son of God” – a possible translation).

And I have received Christ’s self-giving love.

There is no situation, no bondage, no need for transformation, no frustration, no failure that the life, the love, and the faith of Jesus in me cannot respond to with power.  And the same is true for you, assuming you have trusted Christ as your Lord and Savior.

So how, then, do we apply this truth? [click to continue…]

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Miracle Maker

by Andy Wood on May 18, 2009

in Five LV Laws, Principle of Abundance

fish-and-breadImagine being one of the 5000 people who ate bread and fish at the hand of a miracle by Jesus Himself.  Bet it tasted good!  I’ll bet it was an amazing spectacle to behold.

The laughter between bites.

The wonder.

The amazement.

The satisfaction of your appetite.

Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if, after the miraculous feed, you had never hungered again? [click to continue…]

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