Disciple: Oh wise one, why do people put others up on a pedestal?
Guru: Target practice.
Leadership is in the crosshairs these days, and it sure seems as though everybody has an itchy trigger finger. The most hated man in the world is the President of the United States – whoever he is. Change the name and face, we just paint new targets.
And Congress? Ha. First of all, they aren’t elected leaders; they’re elected representatives. Second, until we can vote for all 435 offices, we’ll always love ours and hate everybody else’s.
But our hostility to leaders isn’t limited to government. Whether in business and banking, sports and entertainment, churches and nonprofits, or pretty much any other endeavor, leaders are perceived as self-serving – even at the expense of employees and the good of the organization itself.
Is that fair? No and yes. [click to continue…]
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