
Scarlett“I can shoot straight, if I don’t have to shoot too far.” 

“I can’t think about that right now. If I do, I’ll go crazy. I’ll think about that tomorrow.”

-Scarlett O’Hara, “Gone With the Wind”

Everybody is fascinated with Scarlett.  But nobody wants to admit how much like her we can be.

One way to understand LifeVesting is to define it in terms of what it isn’t.  LifeVestors have four alter-egos:  consumers, hoarders, gamblers, and codependents.  Today I’d like to introduce you to the first.

While in the purest economic sense everyone is a spender, the Consumers I’m talking about are takers.  They spend their money, their time, their relationships on today’s wants and needs.  Their primary focus is on themselves – though not always in an intentionally selfish way.  They come to church for what they can get out of it.  They spend their time and money in ways that, when spent, are gone forever.  For them, there is no other moment but now.  Tomorrow will take care of itself. 

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The Simplest Budget in the World

by Andy Wood on March 27, 2008

in Leadership, Life Currency, Money, Time

BudgetThere are four things – and only four things – you can spend your money on.  Like me, you may keep up with your finances with computer program that has a vast array of categories.  You may be a day planner diva, able instantly to analyze what occupies your time.  But it still comes down to just four things.

Are you a leader, or a leader wannabe?  There are four – and only four – directions of leadership.

There are four – and only four – foundations of wisdom.

Same goes for other LifeVesting Currencies – esteem, love, words, and abilities.  There are four sources or directions for each:

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