
Let Him Hold You

by Andy Wood on July 15, 2016

in Ability, Five LV Laws, Life Currency, Love, LV Cycle, Principle of Increase, Waiting



Such an ordinary, blue-collar word.

Industrial strength, geared for protection and defense, holding commands attention – not by rising to dizzying new heights of adventure or romance, but by remaining ruthlessly still…



Boring? Only when, in your desperation for a change, any change will do.

Oppressive? Only when you think the grass is greener somewhere else and you can’t get there.

Holding is a sign that somewhere there is someone or something that is stronger than you are – at least for the moment. You may be held back by your fears. Or held safely by that seat belt and airbag. Or held in the arms of someone who can comfort your heart.

But sooner or later fears subside. Belts are unbuckled. And people, however well-meaning, let go.

But there are everlasting arms and an all-powerful Strength that promises to hold you in love and peace long after all other sources are exhausted or used up.  He said he would take hold of your hand and guide you. And even if you were whisked away to the far side of the horizon, even there He said He would hold you.

So let Him.

Let Him hold you.

When your life is overshadowed by dark clouds of doubt and despair, let Him hold you in the assurance that He will be your light and life.

When you are harassed and taunted by principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world, let Him hold you in the truth that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.

When the straw that broke the camel’s back just landed on yours and you feel as though you’re caving under the pressure, let Him hold you in the prevailing strength that empowers you to mount up with wings like eagles.

When you’ve cried all you think you can cry and your sorrows have clearly won the day, let Him hold you with the tenderness of a Father who has promised never to leave nor forsake you.

When you find yourself looking back at one failed opportunity after another and every dream seems lost, let Him hold you in the steadfast hope that He is making all things new.

When you’re desperately hanging on to your sanity and strength and the easiest thing to do is quit, let Him hold you with a grip that is steadfast, immovable, and always abounding.

When you’re being strong for everybody else but it feels as though nobody’s looking out for you, let Him hold you in a generous peace that passes all understanding.

When you’ve exhausted every other resource and you’re out of ideas, schemes, or advisors, let Him hold you in a deep wisdom that is pure, peaceable, trustworthy and kind.

When you’re haunted by shadows of shame from your past or taunted by shadows of fear and insecurity from your future, let Him hold you in the brightness of His countenance that is turned toward you.

When you’re so overwhelmed with the demands and the busyness that you can’t give yourself permission to stop long enough to recognize the air filling your lungs, let Him hold you in the promise of a rest that remains for all who are His.

When your horizon at best looks as though you’re going around in cruel circles, let Him hold you in the truth that the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord.

When you’ve prayed and prayed and heaven seems silent, let Him hold you in the promise that in due season you will reap if you don’t give up.

At the end of the day and the darkness of your way, what matters most is not what you’re holding on to – but Who is holding on to you.

Martha Orlando July 15, 2016 at 12:33 pm

Amen, Andy! I really needed these inspirational words today.
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Ready for Adventure!

Cecilia S. July 15, 2016 at 1:02 pm

Amen! This is powerful!

Sara July 18, 2016 at 8:51 am

Because of my work, I have learned to appreciate the necessity of holding devices. It is difficult to be held when one yearns for freedom, until knowledge comes that the time being held was in preparation for the letting go. Thank you.

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