
My 2014 Christmas Prayer For You

by Andy Wood on December 24, 2014

in Five LV Laws, Following Your Passion, Life Currency, Love, LV Cycle, Principle of Eternity, Words

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As you celebrate in the silent night or the joyful noise that is your Christmas, I joyfully lift my prayer to the Father of lights on your behalf – praying that you would discover the unique inspiration that comes from knowing what an inspiration to others you can be.

I pray that on this day you would find your way to the Chamber of your Beloved, to rediscover the awakened intimacy that comes from having your soul restored, realizing again the central message of Christmas, that you are completely loved.

I pray that in the coming year, when you engage with the terrible and the trivial in this world, that when others are desperately looking for the light of truth and hope, they find it burning brightly still in you.

When everybody else seems desperate for love but clueless about what it really is, I pray that your life will be a living demonstration of the forever kind of love that is as powerful as death but as essential as breathing… and as you give it, you would so receive it.

Regardless of the circumstances or challenges you may face, I pray that you would enjoy the grace-laced wonder and delighted dance of moving into eternity that the first Christmas represents – the beautiful, everlasting adventure.

I pray that you recognize in the manger the sign and symbol that boldly declares, To the Ends of the Earth, and know that in reaching out in love to you, that’s how far He would go to show it.

I pray that as you get lonelier and more wistful for your true home, you would rest in the faithfulness of a Savior who was born homeless, yet has gone to prepare an eternal home for you and me to share.

I pray that your holidays and your every-days would be graced with the perfect love that orchestrated the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us – a love more complete and encompassing than you or I can imagine.

I pray that your spirit will be recalibrated this Christmas to once again hear His voice – a voice that transcends a baby’s cry or an angel army’s shout of victory – calling above the noise or whispering to you in the quiet of His love and truth.

I pray that, like the ancient Israelites, He carries you on eagles’ wings to experience a season of awakening and renewal, of freedom and joy, confidence and conquest as He lifts you in power.

I pray that you have time to experience and reflect upon the truest of friendships – the lifetime variety – that makes you a better man or woman because that friend has touched your life with kindness, laughter, honesty, patience, and great understanding.

I pray that somehow this Christmas you would gain a new perspective on what it means to be lost, and how hopelessly lost you would be had God not decided, in the fullness of time, to wait no longer.

I pray that when the world has left you feeling as though you have no value and nothing to offer, you will find again in the discoveries of the shepherds and the quest of the wise where the ultimate treasure lies this side of creation – in the fact that you are His delight and He has set His love upon you, now and forever.

I pray that you will take the time (before the time takes you) to wait in the stillness, to find times of rest-oration, rest-ablizing, and rest-rengthening as you bring your weary soul to a place of Sabbath rest beneath His care.

I pray that God would use you as a lighthouse in the harbor for wayward souls and drifting lives, pointing the light of hope and courage, warning and truth to all who would pay attention with the wisdom of the discerning heart.

I pray that the same faith, hope and love that has carried believers in Jesus for a thousand summers and a thousand more, however imperfectly, would continue to carry you as you wait for His return with the same steadfast hope.

When it feels as though you work or worship or live in an unending shadow, I pray you will find in corresponding measure the steadfast faithfulness of the Son of God, rising as faithfully and brilliantly as the morning sun in the sky for you.

When you’ve given all you know to give, and tried to be there for everybody else, I pray that you will experience the glory of His presence and the pleasure of His company as He speaks to your exhausted heart that you’re not alone – He’s always there for you, too.

Finally, I pray that this Christmas you will experience the thrill of hope and will reflect it to a weary world – that yonder breaks a new and glorious morn… for you… for all.

Martha Orlando December 25, 2014 at 5:36 pm

Thank you, from my heart, for this amazing prayer, Andy. May we keep Christmas in our hearts all the year through that God’s light and love will shine into this darkened world which so needs a Savior.
Blessings, and Merry Christmas!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Christ is All We Have

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