
When the Shadow’s Always There

by Andy Wood on October 14, 2014

in Ability, Five LV Laws, Life Currency, Love, LV Cycle, Principle of Increase, Waiting


Into every life there come those moments that cut new paths – awkward, ugly paths – across our landscape.  Shadow experiences that block the warmth of the sun’s rays and leave us in a dark spot – or leave dark spots on us.

Most of these shadow moments are fleeting.  Just as the sun stays in motion across the sky and recasts the shadows on the ground, life moves on and the light returns to our lives.

But sometimes the Shadow has a life and mind of its own.  Sometimes it simply refuses to leave, and we’re left with the scars and the questions and the daytime darkness that threaten to block our sun forever.  Sometimes, regardless of the truths we know or the time gone by, it just seems that the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, if feels as though you have your own personal cloud suspended right over you, while the rest of the world basks in the sunshine.  It’s easy to worry that you’re everybody’s else’s downer… when the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, it seems as though every weakness, temptation, or failure has your name engraved on it.  Feeling left to find your own way, it’s easy to manifest the person you most fear becoming… when the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, every stressor seems bigger, every anxiety more fierce, every burden seems to weigh twice as much.  It’s easy to believe that your heart just can’t take any more… when the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, it feels as though you’re out of second chances – third and fourth chances too, for that matter.  It’s easy to give up on any more possibilities for change, for growth, even for healing… when the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, it feels as though you’re having to be strong for everybody else and nobody’s being strong for you.  It’s easy to feel as though it’s all up to you and you’re barely hanging on… when the Shadow’s always there.

When the Shadow’s always there, you feel like running away – like the psalmist, if you had the wings of a dove you could fly away and be at rest – but you have no idea where to run anymore.  It’s easy to believe you’re trapped in a cage of despair… when the Shadow’s always there.


But just as your inability to see the sun in no way changes the fact that it’s daytime, your inability to see THE Son in no way robs you of the joy and peace of His presence.  And no shadow is a match for His boundless, relentless, steadfast love for you.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, He joins you in the cloud and invites you to dance with Him in the rain.  His presence becomes your fullness of joy… when the Son is always there.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, His strength is made perfect in your weakness, His power is most displayed in your temptations, and His grace abounds far more than your sin.  No weapon formed against you can prosper… when the Son is always there.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, He doesn’t just carry the burden – He carries you; He doesn’t just still the storm – He invites you to get out of the boat and walk on the water with Him.  No storm can resist His command for peace and stillness… when the Son is always there.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, He redefines opportunities by the moments in your day, not the failures in your past.  Even when you’ve given up on yourself, He refuses to give up on you… when the Son is always there.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, He becomes your refuge, and underneath you – whether you can feel them or not – are His everlasting arms.  The only place you can fall is into the embrace of His love and care when the Son is always there.

Even when the Shadow’s always there, He becomes your place of escape and your personal source of rest as He renews your strength and restores your hope.  Even you can mount up with wings like eagles and soar again… when the Son is always there.

Oh, the joy, the breathtaking joy…

Oh, the peace, the restful peace…

…of knowing that even when the Shadow’s always there,  He can even be found in the Shadow.

Martha Orlando October 14, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Oh, this was so uplifting! Thank you, Andy!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?

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