There’s more to vision than hopeful daydreaming about a desired future.
Yes, vision sees the goal, but it is aware of much more than that.
Vision sees the path from here to there.
Vision recognizes the need for decisive action. It has a bias toward making the jump.
Vision also recognizes the risks and potential dangers that lurk on all sides, and prepares accordingly for them.
Vision then sees beyond the goal. It recognizes the larger community, and the visionary’s place in the larger world.
Yes, vision sees the goal. But true visionaries recognize that success is more than the perfect landing.
(This extraordinary picture of Oberstdorf, Germany as reflected in the goggles of Japanese ski jumper Noriaki Kasai is one of many that can be found here. PHOTO: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach)
People with peanut allergies shouldn’t open a bag or jar with the word “peanut” on it.
Microwave ovens aren’t designed to dry wet pets.
Silly Putty shouldn’t be used as ear plugs.
Unfortunately, what’s obvious to most, passes right by the VOMOS club (and we’ve all had a membership card in that one at some time).
And before you think somebody’s nuts for stating the obvious, remember, this is America. We sue people here. Shamelessly. Once they dislodge the pointed fence from our colon.
That’s why it’s a good idea, if you’re offering yourself (or your church or organization) as the solution to somebody’s possibly-desperate problem, to make absolutely certain that somebody is there to answer the phone.
Or that the phone is actually there in the first place.
They may not be thinking about jumping off.
Maybe they just need a tank of gas…
A safe, friendly voice…
Or answers without religious jargon or clichés.
Maybe they just need to know where to find a phone that works.
(Photo – Taken on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge by Throwingbull. Used by permission.)