It is the nature of a roaring fire to eventually consume the fuel and exhaust the energy produced by the process.

So the fire recedes.

The heat subsides.

And unless the fire is rekindled, it eventually dies.

To rekindle is to throw smaller, simpler fuel – the easy-to-ignite stuff – onto an already existing fire. It is to blow new air onto the embers.

In spiritual terms, that could look like letting the Spirit of God blow new life onto a simple, single truth – meditating on it, and praying it into your life.

In relational terms, it could mean returning to simple points of gratitude, connection, and care.

In performance terms, it could mean rediscovering why you do what you do and returning to the fundamentals that make for excellence.

Whatever in your life needs rekindling, the possibilities are there…

To simplify…

To find the still-glowing embers…

And to breathe new life.

Rekindle that fire!

It’s not dead yet.

Martha Orlando June 12, 2018 at 1:05 pm

Amen, Andy! Let’s not let those fires go out.
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Strong and Courageous

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