
My 2015 Christmas Prayer for You

by Andy Wood on December 25, 2015

in Prayers

Lubbock Christmas Card

As the night gives way to glorious light and the angels declare the glory of God as they war –

As wise men pursue a heart of worship and shepherds share the good news of great joy for all time and eternity…

As jealous kings and underlings cling to power and the world still groans with sighs of the taxed and moves along mindlessly…

I pray for you to the God who can still make the darkest of skies a canvass for His glory on this day.

In the unforgiving minutes of time relentlessly passing, I pray that you can keep in your heart the simple delights and extravagant loves, the first priorities and the most beautiful of joys as we make the most of your and my remaining days.

On the days that feel as though a torrent is raging against you and that your only course is to rage against the wind, I pray you would find strength in the hope of your calling demonstrate a relentless heart of endurance.

When your world wide web of relationships looks broken and burdened, and hope seems fleeing, I pray that you would find the strength to stand strong on their behalf – that you would love them beautifully by holding them tightly in the night as your heart remains steadfast, true.

When the strongest and bravest seem gasping for breath and the best and brightest seem lost for direction, I pray that we could show the world the power of resurrected hearts – both yours and mine.

When the raging storms threaten to still your hope and paralyze your faith, I pray that you would find that even then His strength is made perfect in weakness and His peace always – always – passes understanding.

When the sun rises on yet another day to find things to fear or worry about, I pray that you show your world what it looks like to dance in delight with your Creator – that you would taste and see the goodness of my faithful Lord.

On those days when it seems as though people would trade a bag of gold for something to believe in, I pray that you would be the one they can turn to, and that in you they can find a friend of faith.

When it dawns on you that the day just got longer, and rest and relief seem further and further away… that you would have the courage, determination and endurance of a marathon runner is my fervent prayer.

And finally, on those days when your heart feels distant, or wisdom seems fleeting and First Love has passed, I pray you would hear the gentle knocking of your Dearest Friend and open the door of your heart again to His tender love and grace.

Merry Christmas!

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