To a world He referred to as dark, and to people He said were distressed and dispirited, like sheep without a shepherd (that’s you and me), the Son of God appeared on the scene, moving at what must have appeared to some at times to be the speed of light. Unlike any preacher or prophet, rabbi or rabble-rouser they had seen before, He came with a different call – a different invitation.
“Join me,” He said. “Follow me.”
This was not a call for religious people to be more religious. It was not an invitation for unrighteous people to behave righteously. The stakes were and are far higher than that. The deep, abiding happiness He offers (“blessed” He called it) are an invitation to move from time Into Eternity.
The journey Into Eternity comes with a completely different sense of rhythm, rhyme and melody than the one we’re exposed to in this world. Offering a life He described as “abundant,” Jesus also offered Himself – freely, completely, lovingly – as the only way to take you there.
To the fearful He offers peace.
To the lonely, He offers presence.
To the hopeless, He offers an entirely new realm of possibilities.
To the broken and helpless, He offers new choices and chances.
And all of this – all of it – is a life lived with Him.
This is the grace-laced wonder…
This is the eternal adventure…
This is delighted dance of moving Into Eternity.
This is what you have been waiting for…
This is what your life has been designed for…
This is the adventure you crave – the happiness you seek…
Join Him today in a dance of the ages.
Move with Him Into Eternity.
You don’t move very far in this journey before you recognize that everything you once ignored or labeled as “ordinary” looks completely different.
People trapped in time can observe a farmer planting seeds. People moving Into Eternity can see an important life lesson.
People trapped in time can feel a certain measure of love or sympathy for others. People moving Into Eternity find themselves loving beyond themselves – even loving their enemies.
People trapped in time find themselves obligated to make rules and force people to conform. People moving Into Eternity find themselves being transformed from the inside – even at the expense of man-made rules and (gasp!) religious regulations.
Those who have made the choice to accept Christ’s invitation to move Into Eternity discover a whole new set of lenses through which to find pathways, truth, and life. Far beyond creeds and systems, we have the privilege of gazing at Him – not as a relic from the past, but as a living, loving, life-giving model for today
We have the privilege of sensing, feeling, hearing His Spirit living within us – not as an abstract idea, but as a concrete reality.
We have the joy of surrendering control of our lives (yes, I said joy) to His care, control, and direction, knowing He is far more capable of knowing where the bends in the road are, and where the bridges may be out.
All He asks as we’re along for the ride is that we do the same thing on the journey that we did at our point of entry – trust Him.
This is the grace-laced wonder…
This is the eternal adventure…
This is the delighted dance of moving Into Eternity.
This is what you have been waiting for…
This is what your life has been designed for…
This is the adventure you crave – the happiness you seek…
Trust Him today in your dance of the ages.
Follow Him Into Eternity.
Lest you think this is some kind of earthly safety program or a set of meetings for the mild-mannered, I should remind you that this is a Christ who asked with a straight face for Phillip and his calculating friends to take a boy’s lunch and feed 5,000 people with it.
This is a Warrior who went toe-to-toe with the devil at the pinnacle of the temple and his dupes in the courtyards below.
This is an Intercessor who sweated blood and lived so on the edge He was constantly being served and restored by angels.
This is a Water-walker who found people He loved caught in a storm and walked on water to rescue them.
And He says to you… “Follow Me.” That’s what it means in this life to be moving Into Eternity.
Predictable? Safe? Ordinary? Save that for the time-bound.
We find our fulfillment in the delight of His love.
We find our security in the gaze of His eyes.
We find our hope in the surety of His promises.
We find our truest identity in the ruthless abandonment with which He pursues us.
We find our safety in the comfort of His arms.
This is the grace-laced wonder…
This is the eternal adventure…
This is delighted dance of moving Into Eternity.
This is what you have been waiting for…
This is what your life has been designed for…
This is the adventure you crave – the happiness you seek…
Love Him today in your dance of the ages.
Soar with Him Into Eternity.
Our grace-laced wonder, the desire of our hearts, our entry into eternity . . . Beautiful, Andy. Blessings!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Smart Enough for a Smart Phone?
I’m a frequent reader. Very encouraging. Is that
a poem or song written in this one?
Thanks Martha. So glad you are feeling better!
Donna, Thanks for your encouragement. It’s sort of a poem or something that kind of emerged on this one as I was trying to express what this life of adventure is (or should be). I didn’t really set out on this one to land there, but land it did. That’s one of the things I love dearly about the creative process. You don’t always know where it’s going to take you.
Come back often! Thanks for reading.
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