
They were two branches off the same Vine.

Designed in the Vine’s image, each a was unique expression of the nature of its Creator.  One was tender and sensitive, with stunning intuitive wisdom. The other was strong and masculine, with a compelling view toward the horizon.

They loved being branches of the Vine.  And they loved each other. But they’d cut themselves off from the flow of the Vine’s life.  They believed the lie that they could thrive on their own.  The result: An odd combination of life and death in the same form.

Form without flow.

Image without reality.

As they dreamed of a future together, they asked one another, “How can we shape ourselves so our offspring can know our love and be fruitful?” [click to continue…]

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Here’s another amazing story of love – this one from my friend, Dr. David Rosenthal.  In it he shares the profound story that led to his adoption as a baby, and his future adoption as an heir and follower of Jesus Christ.  It’s the story of three women who loved him greatly.  One gave him life; another gave him a home and a name; the third pointed him to the Author and Finisher of his faith.  Read on…

Esther Kaufman was born June 12th, 1917 in Bucharest, Rumania. Magdalena Barta was born not far way in Budapest, Hungary on June 23rd, 1924. These two women shared a strange and unique destiny and were part of a long love story that continues until today even though both are deceased.

[click to continue…]

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