
MaymieThis is Maymie’s ultimate love story. She holds her husband, Shannon, dear, but Maymie says their story doesn’t compare to the story of her children.The first time she got pregnant, Maymie and Shannon weren’t married. But they excitedly started planning and moving in the direction of marriage and starting a family. They set the date and made the doctor’s appointments. At the first appointment, the obstetrician wanted to do an ultrasound to see how far along she was and make sure everything looked good.

They excitedly watched the monitor.

There was no heartbeat.

The next day they went back, mothers in tow, for another picture, just to be sure. They got the same dreaded answer.

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Definition of Friendship

by Andy Wood on February 18, 2008

in Life Currency, Love

This is another response to my request for love stories.  I’m still looking!  Who has taught you about the real meaning of love?  How have you experienced it?  Email me at [email protected] and share what you have observed, learned, or experienced.

The following was originally written by Joel, my son, on February 28 last year.  It’s a powerful story of friendship that transcended social and racial barriers, and started with a plane crash in a Vietnamese rice paddy.  (You can read more of Joel’s good stuff at

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Here’s another amazing story of love – this one from my friend, Dr. David Rosenthal.  In it he shares the profound story that led to his adoption as a baby, and his future adoption as an heir and follower of Jesus Christ.  It’s the story of three women who loved him greatly.  One gave him life; another gave him a home and a name; the third pointed him to the Author and Finisher of his faith.  Read on…

Esther Kaufman was born June 12th, 1917 in Bucharest, Rumania. Magdalena Barta was born not far way in Budapest, Hungary on June 23rd, 1924. These two women shared a strange and unique destiny and were part of a long love story that continues until today even though both are deceased.

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Financial NewsRecession.  It’s the word on everybody’s mind these days.  Congress, in an election year, is scrambling to give people some of their money back in order to avoid it (which begs the obvious question…).  All the media, the experts, and the average Joes are all talking about some aspect of it.  Somebody did a poll a couple of days ago, and it seems the average American believes if we’d just get out of Iraq, the recession would get better.  Uh, OK, I guess.

What most of us are interested in is, can I keep what’s happening in a national and global economy from happening to me?  Yes!  But first it’s important to understand that economists are measuring only one thing.

What to recession-proof your life?  Get a bigger definition of the word, “economy.”  Try this one as I first heard it from Jack TaylorEconomy is the exchange of all the commodities of life. 

If you’re finding yourself a bit short on cash, or if you’re worried about it, why not try a different kind of currency?  Here are seven ways you can be wealthy, with or without money:

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This guest column is from my friend Todd Thompson, who is a gifted writer and communicator.  In response to my request for love stories, Todd send me this amazing account.

Todd’s GrandmaMy Grandma Thompson was born on an Iowa farm in 1900. In the early 1920’s she was a teacher and high school principal. While a teacher she formed some strong friendships with three of her fellow teachers. Glynda, Mack, Bess, and my Grandma Bernice became great friends.

During that time my Grandfather began to pursue a relationship with my Grandmother. He knew a good thing when he saw it. But Grandma didn’t make it easy for him. He had to court her with a great deal of persistence before she finally said “yes”. In a letter she wrote to my cousin describing the events leading up to their marriage, Grandma said, “I once told your Grandfather that it would be a cold day before I married him. And it was. 30 below zero on Christmas Eve 1924.”

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It’s a song that was released in November 1984. I heard it first on an episode of Miami Vice.

Then I heard it again in the most surreal of settings. I had placed my wife and twin babies on a plane in New Orleans at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning. I decided, before the long trip back to Alabama, to wander through the French Quarter. And there, at 7:30 on a Saturday morning on Bourbon Street, with only a garbage truck and a handful of bikers in view, I heard this desperate refrain come blowing out of an empty bar:

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Do You Have a Spirit of Fear?

by Andy Wood on January 17, 2008

in Life Currency, Love

FearHe was one of the most powerful men in the world. But he lived in total fear. He stayed deep in the inner recesses of a huge castle. He barricaded himself in a small, bombproof room, with walls made of concrete three feet thick. He allowed himself only one tiny window protected by thick, yellow glass. With only a few amenities each night, and a military cot for his bed, his self-imposed prison was his fortress within a fortress. He would sleep fitfully, then leap to his feet to check at the yellow glass, to make certain that the dark moving objects on the other side of the glass, his personal guards, were on duty protecting him. His name? Josef Stalin.

Needless to say, Uncle Joe, whose adopted name (Stalin) means – get this – “man of steel,” developed a spirit of fear. Needless also to say, he didn’t get it from God. Though he once was a seminary student. Anyway…

This isn’t about Stalin, but stealin’ – and how the enemy can steal your joy and confidence. [click to continue…]

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The Encourager’s Creed

by Andy Wood on December 16, 2007

in Esteem, Love

Encouragement 3
Today and every day I will offer the most elegant gift another human can receive: the gift of encouragement. I will recognize that my gift is theirs to receive or to refuse, and that it comes with no expectations or demands.

Today and every day:

I will give the lonely a reason to believe in companionship again. And in so doing, I will banish loneliness from my own heart forever.

I will give the open-hearted a reason to grow – to expand their knowledge or their experience, their character or their self-confidence. And in so doing, I will discover paths of my own growth I never knew existed.

I will give the dreamer a reason to achieve – to accomplish a major step toward a goal or project. And in so doing, I will find myself closer to my own dreams than ever.

I will give the sojourner a reason to feel connected – to God, to self, to me. And in so doing, I will embark on my own wondrous journey of intimacy.

I will give my coworkers a reason to say, “Thank You,” but I will not demand that it be said. And in so doing, I will experience the exhilaration of true teamwork.

I will give the ordinary a reason to feel respected. And in so doing, I will possess greater respect from myself and from others.

I will give the solemn a reason to laugh or smile. And in so doing, I will be reminded again not to take myself too seriously.

I will give the decision-maker a reason to say, “Yes” with enthusiasm, or, “No” with courage. And in so doing I will be delivered from my own inaction.

I will give the weary a reason to go on, refusing to quit. And in so doing I will sow the seeds of my own prevailing strength.

I will give the apathetic a reason to be passionate about the things that really matter. And in so doing, I will face the trivial and meaningful in my own life.

I will give the cautious a reason to get out of that dull routine and live a little. And in so doing I will protect my own spirit from stagnation.

I will give the cynic a reason to believe the world is a beautiful place. And in so doing, I will rediscover for myself the splendor of the grand and the grace of the simple.

Most of all, I will recognize that this day is a gift to me. Today and every day I will take the time to encourage the encourager. I will recognize that my greatest gifts become available to others only when I offer them first to myself and to my God.

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Focus, Focus, Focus!

by Andy Wood on November 1, 2007

in Following Your Passion, Love, LV Cycle

I need to get my head examined.  (All right…  Who said “amen!”?)  More on that in a minute.  First, a few random stories, all converging at the same point.

Last week I was in Dallas and had a strange and expensive experience.  [click to continue…]

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