Whether it’s in a flurry of family joy or a day of quiet, cold calm, my prayer for you on this day is that you would experience deep connection to the faith that calls you to rest, the hope that calls you to aspire, and the love that calls you to serve.
I pray that in believing you find an abiding place for your anxious or distracted thoughts. A place to believe that God is still good, and that the riches of His grace are forever inexhaustible.
I pray that in the midst of your uncertainties and insecurities, your fatigue and your failures, you find your way back to the Still, Small Voice.
I pray that just as the sun rises faithfully on even the cloudiest of days, whether you can see it or not, that even in the gloomiest seasons of your life, that stubborn, delightful hope would pierce the darkness in your world.
I pray that in the coming days new dreams would take shape that call you out to expect more, do more, to advance boldly in new directions that would stretch your (and even my) wildest imagination.
And I pray that through all the joys and sorrows, feats and frustrations, you would be fueled and compelled by the one commodity the world needs more desperately than ever – a sincere heart of love.
Merry Christmas!