Rebuilding the JOY

by Andy Wood on December 11, 2017

in 100 Words, Five LV Laws, Following Your Passion, Insight, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Photos, Principle of Abundance

Uh oh…

Somebody lost touch with their “Y.”

When you lose your “Y” something else seems missing, too.

Somebody offers a solution: “What’s missing is a B!”

So your J-O-Y becomes a J-O-B.

Somebody else sees this and inserts a G.

That may work for some, but I don’t find much J-O-Y in a J-O-G.

“T!” someone else says, “J-O-T!”

Make your list, check it twice.

Productive? Maybe.

Joyful? Hardly.

Until you find your “(wh)Y” your J-O-B will be just a job.

Your J-O-G an exercise in futility.

Your J-O-T a treadmill of activity.

Just-One-(wh)Y can bring back the joy.

Martha Orlando December 12, 2017 at 12:32 pm

Joyful, joyful!
May your Christmas be blessed, Andy!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Was I Dreaming of a White Christmas?

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