Leader Points: Bullets Aimed at the Heart

by Andy Wood on September 3, 2013

in 100 Words, Five LV Laws, Leadership, Life Currency, Principle of Legacy

Proud Leader

All the kings of the earth shall praise You, O Lord,
When they hear the words of Your mouth.
Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of the Lord.
Though the Lord is on high,
Yet He regards the lowly;
But the proud He knows from afar (Psalm 138:4-6, NKJ).

  • If you’re feeling far from God, pride may be the issue.
  • That pride may be the result of your position among people.
  • If your position leaves you proud, you’re living in a world of self-deception.
  • The ultimate good for those in positions of leadership is not to find those to look down upon, but the ONE to look UP to.
  • You won’t fulfill your leadership potential until you regain perspective on where the real glory lies.
  • The evidence that you have made that discovery is that your heart will be turned from self-advancement to humility before the King of kings.
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Martha Orlando September 3, 2013 at 1:52 pm

“Pride goeth before the fall . . .”
You’ve said it all here, Andy. Well done!
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Love and Grace

Lawrence "Buddy" Holt September 8, 2013 at 6:15 pm

“The ultimate good for those in positions of leadership is not to find those to look down upon, but the ONE to look UP to.” This is a great statement.

God has never been impressed by any position that I have attained in leading others. I believe that he simply uses it as a crucible to refine me to become more like he wants me to be. The loftier he places me in the eyes of men, the more ill equipped I feel in myself and the more compelled I am to need to depend on His grace in the midst of my incredible weakness.

Nathan Milazzo January 31, 2014 at 5:39 pm

Thanks! My heart needed that

Lynda Dearman February 1, 2014 at 9:42 pm

Very poignant realities! One that I always remember is “the higher you go up, the lower you bow” (on bended knees to God).
Thank you for such sobering points.
Lynda Dearman´s last blog post ..The Flow

Joyce Gerald April 3, 2015 at 4:00 pm

This is such a poignant post. It reminds me of the self-awareness points that Reggie McNeal wrote about. In almost everyday when leadership goes array it is because the leader did not actualize this statement, “You won’t fulfill your leadership potential until you regain perspective on where the real glory lies.”

It should never be about what “I” have accomplished. It should always be what God has accomplished through his chosen vessels. Pride is such a destructive downfall. I have feared having this attitude most of my life.
Joyce Gerald´s last blog post ..Good Friday:-What makes it good?

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