The Heart Does Go On

by Andy Wood on December 17, 2012

in Ability, Enlarging Your Capacity, Five LV Laws, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Freedom

Child Heart

We all were born with the capacity to dream.  To envision a life that could be… that will be… and the pathways to get there.  To imagine a tomorrow that’s better…





“Be fruitful and multiply,” He said.  That’s the stuff that dreams are made of.  We dream of fruitfulness.  We dream of abundance.

But life on this side of the Garden sometimes aims our dreams toward the mirror.  Nighttime comes to the soul, and our imagination gets lost in what once was.  Of those we once dreamed with or about, but now for whatever reason are lost to us.  And it hurts like hell.

But even in the pain the heart goes on.  And even dreams chained for a time to the past can bring hope, healing, and strength in their own way.  And for those who hope, the same loves that opened your heart yesterday can do it again.  And there you’ll find that even in the darkness, the heart does go on.


We all were born with “together” in our DNA.  To experience connections that breathe life, truth, and direction into us.  To love and be loved without conditions.





“It is not good to be alone,” He said.  That’s the stuff that relationships are built on.  We’re wired for intimacy.  We’re made for togetherness.

But life on this side of the Garden sometimes snatches our connections away.  Separation invades the heart, and our relationships are defined more by what we’ve lost than what we have.  Distance and spaces, griefs and sorrows leave a silence in the soul.  And it hurts like hell.

But even in the separation, the heart goes on.  And even togetherness lost for a time to death or separation can fill our lives with overcoming, ongoing gratitude.  And for those who love, the gifts of life and joy that touched you once through someone else can do it again.  And there you’ll find that even in the loneliness, the heart does go on.


We all were born with the capacity for courage.  To find in our faith and fellowship the capacity to act boldly in the face of danger.  To shelter the vulnerable and dare to risk greatly for their safety…





“Fill the earth and subdue it,” He said.  That’s the stuff that courage is made of.  We’re commissioned to advance.  We are called to conquer.

But life on this side of the Garden sometimes crushes us and our courage goes AWOL.  Fear breaks into the spirit and we feel alone and powerless to move forward.  Exposed and vulnerable, unable to discern the safe from the menacing, we’re tempted to cling to anything that promises a sense of security.  And it hurts like hell.

But even in the terrible, the heart goes on.  And even our worst fears realized, when seen through the brighter lens of faith, can mobilize us to rise up to face things we never knew we could.  And for those who believe, the courage you thought was gone forever is as perennial as the grass.  And there you’ll find that even in the terror, the heart does go on.

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Martha Orlando December 17, 2012 at 5:21 pm

“But even in the pain the heart goes on. And even dreams chained for a time to the past can bring hope, healing, and strength in their own way. And for those who hope, the same loves that opened your heart yesterday can do it again. And there you’ll find that even in the darkness, the heart does go on.”

We grieve, we pray, we hope . . . Thank you for this post, Andy. It took true faith in God and the courage He gives us to write this.

Sharing to Facebook, as always . . .
Martha Orlando´s last blog post .."Slip-Sliding Away . . ."

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