The Abundant Grace of God

by Andy Wood on September 16, 2011

in Ability, Five LV Laws, Life Currency, Money, Principle of Abundance

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Regardless of the need or the deed that lurks in front of you, the choice that confronts you is a choice of scarcity or of abundance.  I thought today it would be a good idea to remind you that whatever God does, He does it abundantly.  Even when He’s dealing with you!

Regardless of what you may hear from the Republicans or the Democrats, the courts or the Congress, the economists or the educators, the preachers or the politicians, God is still wonderfully wealthy and lavishly generous.  All you have to do to believe that is compare what you have with what you deserve.

God is measureless when it comes to the grace and provision he offers. “All grace” means all grace.  But that doesn’t mean He is intangible or just “spiritual.”  The grace He gives is often very ruggedly real, with dollar signs or specific tangible needs attached.

God is timeless in his ability.  The verse quoted above is written in present-tense, continuous action.  God is able, and there is never a time when He isn’t.

God is powerful in His resourcefulness.  You have yet to live to see the day when you faced a situation that was beyond the scope of His power, wisdom, understanding, or creativity.  He who spangled the night sky with stars with a single “Let there be” doesn’t need a trip to the gym or the bank to come up with solutions for you.

God is limitless in His grace.  He commands everything in Heaven or on earth that brings any benefit to His people.  Every good and perfect gift comes from Him, James says.  Whether it is the forgiveness of sins or the money to make a house payment, He has all the resources needed at His disposal.

God is abundant in His disposition.  He is no hoarder.  He has blessings to give, not store up.  The whole theme of this passage is that the Corinthians should feel free to give to the needs of others because God will give to them.  And God is a greater giver!

God is targeted in His distribution.  God is not random with His gifts.  He gives them “to us.”  The blessings of His grace are designed to meet your personal needs in the moment and for the future.  They are customized for your needs as if they were designed for no other.

This grace, lavished upon you in complete abundance by the limitless ability of God, produces a result in you – “all sufficiency in everything.”

The idea of all sufficiency is that you have more than enough.  Again, the context of this verse is money, but the “all” is certainly not limited to that.  It is all sufficiency in everything!  Make this your declaration of faith (try saying it out loud):

I have mind enough for any needed wisdom presented to me because of the abundant grace of God.

I have heart enough for any required passion because of the abundant grace of God.

I have courage enough for any necessary choice because of the abundant grace of God.

I have physical strength enough for any step of obedience because of the abundant grace of God.

I have identity enough to know who I am in the face of any opportunity or adversity because of the abundant grace of God.

I have family enough to live with in love or live without in peace, to love or to grieve, because of the abundant grace of God.

I have money or resources enough to meet any need or God-led opportunity because of the abundant grace of God.

I have the trusted friends and companions I need for whatever step of the journey I am on because of the abundant grace of God.

I have support and influence in the larger community for any season because of the abundant grace of God.

I have professional wisdom, opportunity, and effectiveness for any challenge because of the abundant grace of God.

I have prevailing strength against the enemy’s schemes and deceit in any situation because of the abundant grace of God.

Most precious of all, I have direct access to a throne of grace, with the innocent boldness of a child or the seasoned experienced of a long-distance traveler, to find generous mercy and intimate help… because of the abundant grace of God.

The issue of the lavishness of His grace has already been settled.  The only question remaining is whether you will live as one who has received His grace in abundance yourself.

So what do you say?  Is the grace of God abundant enough, even for you?

bob gentry September 16, 2011 at 6:26 am

You have said it well. It reminds me of a few words in Ephesians where Paul say, he has “blessed us…chose us…made us holy and blameless…adopted us…favored us…redeemed us…lavished us, explained His mysteries to us, made us HIS inheritance”

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