
An interesting op-ed headline appeared in The Chicago Tribune a few days ago.  It read, “Govern like a leader, not a politician.”  The author, Mike Lawrence, proposed that the current financial mess in Illinois would only be solved by politicians who had the courage to do unpopular things (raise taxes, I presume) rather than trying to please people.

Oh… leadership.

Ooh… politics.

Can they ever really coexist? [click to continue…]

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Politics and Statesmanship

by Andy Wood on June 13, 2008

in 100 Words, Leadership, Life Currency

A Picture and a Hundred Words

PigA little reminder, with conventions approaching:

Politics means gaining the favor of the people.  Statesmanship is executing the will of the people.

Politics is getting something said.  Statesmanship is getting something done. 

Politics is doing what it takes to win.  Statesmanship is making the other side glad you did. 

Politics is finding the parade and getting in front of it.  Statesmanship is leading the parade to a desirable place. 

Politicians sit and promise.  Statesmen stand and deliver. 

Politicians campaign for the rights of the pig (or pig owner).  Statesmen clean the stalls, feed the pigs, and have bacon for breakfast.

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