The LifeVesting Cycle
1. Allocate your resources.
2. Explore the possibilities.
3. Follow your passion
4. Execute your plan.
5. Protect your investment.
6. Enlarge your capacity
When I was still a kid, my dad built a flower box for my mom. We got some nice, rich soil from a place behind our house where we had a lot of mulch and trees. She planted some flowers in the box, and we were excited to see what would come out.
What came out was something that at first looked like a weed. But this was no weed. It was a tree. A popcorn tree, my dad said.
I was entranced. It was my first sense of fatherhood and stewardship, all rolled into one.
If you aren’t familiar with them, popcorn trees, or Chinese tallows, grow in moist climates. They grow rapidly, and can get pretty big. They make great shade and ornamental trees, and in the fall, their seeds split open to appear like popcorn.
I watched this little tree take off, and soon we transplanted it from the flower box to the front yard. We got more and more into trees, and soon found four more popcorn trees – then some redbuds and dogwoods. I had this sense of pride and ownership in all of them, but none more than the original – the queen of the yard – as she quickly grew taller than the eaves of our house.
Then one day the unthinkable happened. I came up the street to my house, and found the most horrific sight. Someone (my dad) had taken shears and whacked my tree off at about six feet. The queen of the yard now had a crew cut.
It was ugly.
“Pruning,” he called it.
“Disaster” was what I called it.
Of course, my dad knew a whole lot more about trees and all things agricultural than I ever will. (I once asked him, “How’d you get so smart?” He said, “I keep my ears open and my mouth shut.”)
Anyway, the queen began to reshape. To spread. To grow, not just taller, but shapelier, even more beautiful.
This life lesson became even more applicable to me as I grew spiritually. [click to continue…]