
Do You Have a Spirit of Fear?

by Andy Wood on January 17, 2008

in Life Currency, Love

FearHe was one of the most powerful men in the world. But he lived in total fear. He stayed deep in the inner recesses of a huge castle. He barricaded himself in a small, bombproof room, with walls made of concrete three feet thick. He allowed himself only one tiny window protected by thick, yellow glass. With only a few amenities each night, and a military cot for his bed, his self-imposed prison was his fortress within a fortress. He would sleep fitfully, then leap to his feet to check at the yellow glass, to make certain that the dark moving objects on the other side of the glass, his personal guards, were on duty protecting him. His name? Josef Stalin.

Needless to say, Uncle Joe, whose adopted name (Stalin) means – get this – “man of steel,” developed a spirit of fear. Needless also to say, he didn’t get it from God. Though he once was a seminary student. Anyway…

This isn’t about Stalin, but stealin’ – and how the enemy can steal your joy and confidence. [click to continue…]

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