As the curtain descends on another year and we pause to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas, my prayer is that we can discover in new and meaningful ways how the coming of Jesus all those years ago can speak to you and I still today…
I pray the experience of Anna, the prayer warrior widow in the Temple, will remind you that regardless of your outward circumstances, you are never, ever alone.
I pray that the calculations and seeking of those astrologers from the East will alert you to miracles and possibilities that may be available to you beyond what you ever may think or expect.
I pray that the shock of the shepherds, turned to great joy and a message worth sharing, will give you something (and Someone!) to talk about as well.
I pray that in your reminders of an ever-present government, with its taxes, censuses, and loved or hated officials, you can find even there the faithfulness of a God who arranges all things according His plan, even in this crazy year.
I pray that like Simeon, you can see your days as a purposeful, living waiting on another more glorious, promised Day to come.
I pray that like Joseph, as the Lord speaks wisdom, wonder, and warning to you, you dare not make choices without His direction.
I pray that like Mary, you present yourself as God’s servant, willing to be used by Him, even at the expense of a broken heart, in order to satisfy the world’s longing for hope.
I pray that like the angel armies, you demonstrate the spiritual power of declaring the glory of God for all people.
And I pray that like the Baby lying in that manger, crystal-clear about His purpose to save us all from sin and sorrow, you, too, would discover and live the purpose for which you were created.
Merry Christmas!
It’s already 2021, but I still find these prayers helpful. Thanks for sharing. God bless you!
Edet´s last blog post ..How To Receive The Baptism In The Holy Spirit
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