Yeast Feast: Seven More Half-Baked Ideas I’m Still Working On

by Andy Wood on July 4, 2011

in Half-baked Ideas

Grace is not a loan to be repaid with interest.  It is a gift to be received with gratitude.


The greatest benefit of perseverance is not the prize you attain, but the person you become in the process.


When the fiery darts of the enemy start flying, the temptation for talented or intelligent people is to be their own shield.  Bad idea.


If Jesus knew where the fish were, he also knew where Peter’s heart was.  And where yours is, too.


“There is nobody who has ever lived or lives today who would be better off without Jesus.”  -Mike Martindale


“I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.’ Begin it now.”  -Steven Pressfield


I’ve never taken much interest in the gaudiness of the “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” scene.  I don’t need another reminder that this world measures success and wealth by stuff they use to build walls and pave the streets in heaven.

Until now.  I confess, when I saw this musician’s second home, his boat and his RV, I got a little envious.  Okay, a lot envious.  Check out the video:

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