Unlocking the Eden Code

by Andy Wood on January 9, 2019

in Executing Your Plan, Five LV Laws, Leadership, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Increase, Protecting Your Investment

You awake?

That’s what the text read at 11:00 one night last week. My son-in-law, Curtis.

Yes, I replied, and soon the phone was vibrating.

What do your kids or in-laws or whoever call you about at 11:00 pm? This one got interesting very quickly.

“Hey man, I was sharing this with Cassie about this and she said I should call you.”

Cassie also said later I should blog about it. So there. You’re welcome.

“This” was an insight into something that dates all the way back to Eden. It’s been rocking my world ever since. The implications of this idea are poignant and tragic, yet dripping with possibilities. So let’s start with these two passages.

Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground the Lord God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:7-9, 15-17, ESV).

The Facts

Here are the facts as we know them:

  1. Adam was created after the Lord had planted a garden in Eden, and he was placed in that garden.
  2. Adam entered an environment where every beautiful and edible tree was available.
  3. Two trees are specifically mentioned as being in the garden. Neither the tree of life nor the tree of the knowledge of good and evil bore apples. Just saying.
  4. Adam was placed in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. To tend it and to watch over it. Other words are used to describe his role. He was to be fruitful (think “success” or “fulfilled purpose”). He and Eve were to multiply (think “growth”). And they were to replenish the earth (think “sustainability”).
  5. At any given time Adam could have eaten from any tree in the garden. That includes the two trees mentioned specifically there in the middle. But as we know, the Lord explicitly said not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
  6. Here is Curtis’s insight. The fact that Adam was forbidden to eat the fruit of that tree didn’t change the fact that it was his job to take care of it.

I should probably say that again. The same Adam who was forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil still had to care of the tree.

Digging Deeper into the Implications

We know how the story ended. The serpent deceived Eve and she ate from the forbidden tree. She gave to Adam and he did the same thing. Their eyes were opened, they felt shame, and they tried to hide from God. They made excuses for their disobedience, and the Lord drove them out of the garden with its tree of life.

But take a look at what could have happened…

Fascinated, but Unchanged

Every day Adam tended to the tree of life. He cultivated it, watched over it, fertilized it. But despite Eden’s version of flashing neon lights, Adam never ate from the tree of life. It was in his face every single day. He could have eaten from it. He didn’t. This reminds me of those people who explore the “tree of life,” but never actually taste of it themselves. They study it. They even make it available to others. They’re religious, but lost. Fascinated, but never transformed. Surrounded by life, yet clutched in the jaws of death.

Found, but Unconcerned

Adam could have so neglected the tree of life that it withered up and died. After all, he had the authority to subdue the earth. In theory, he could have eaten fruit from the tree of life, then decided to kill the tree and keep life to himself. Like Christ followers today who have found the life we so desperately need, but keep it to ourselves. That reminds me of that old hymn sung by the Particular Baptists back in the day:

We are the Lord’s elected few,
Let all the rest be damned;
There’s room enough in hell for you,
We won’t have heaven crammed.

Yes, that’s a real song and yes, they sang it.

Safe, but Unrealized

What if Adam, to play it safe, decided that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was too much of a temptation? What if he chose to take an axe to the root of the tree and kill the thing? To avoid the temptation, he would have denied his very purpose for being there in the first place. This reminds me of classic religious legalists. They’ll avoid those pesky temptations, even if it means missing the whole point of why they’re there. They reduce the mission simply to not behaving badly. So they behave. But is that all there is?

Our Primal Task

There is in this story a sense of calling and purpose. If you and I can understand the nature of that calling, we can find all sorts of treasure. You can find the secret to character development and leadership there in Eden. You can also find the most fundamental definition of success.

What was the First Man (and everyone since) tasked to do? How was he judged a failure or a success? Simple. Our Primal Task is to care for something that doesn’t belong to us without using it for our selfish advantage. Then we are to account for it as we present it back to the Owner in a way that is fruitful, multiplied, and sustainable.

The word for that, stodgy as it may sound, is stewardship.

What if you looked at your work through that lens? What if you recognized that the organization or job doesn’t belong to you? It’s a trust, and your role is to fulfill your job description without using that job for selfish motives.

I know many pastors who have a responsibility to care for the men, women, and children in their churches. And despite the moral temptations, they wouldn’t dare abuse that trust. This is character. This is something God sees and uses.

I know many Christians in business who handle company money every day. But despite the temptation to line their pockets with someone else’s cash, they don’t. These executives, professionals, or employees remain faithful to the trust. They care for something that doesn’t belong to them, and they don’t steal from the boss.

The possibilities are endless. What do you do with possessions, relationships, or roles that don’t belong to you? How do you honor the trust?

Start with your family relationships. Those are God’s children, entrusted to you. Your spouse is a gift from God, and you will answer to Him for what you did with that relationship. Did your family relationships fulfill their purpose? Are they sustainable?

Your work is not yours – it belongs to the Lord. So does “your” money, “your” physical energy, “your” relationships. Add to that “your” abilities and “your” public favor. They all belong to God. But they’re entrusted to you to help them flourish.

How about your leadership or areas of influence? In the same way, none of the people or processes we have been given ultimately belong to us. We are to serve the organization and its people for their benefit, not use them for ours. Primal Leadership calls you to influence people for Owner’s sake. Our job is to fulfill the organization’s purpose, multiply it, and make it sustainable.

Your destiny, your “well done,” your accountability, and the pathway to your growth. All that is found in a genetic code that goes all the way back to Eden and hasn’t changed.

Adam blew it. So have I, repeatedly. But the message of the gospel is that today we can return to Eden and the trust. We can steward the gifts we’ve been given today, regardless of past failures.

So take the dare. Get out of ownership and back into management.

Be fruitful. Multiply. Replenish and sustain the earth.

But keep your hands off the forbidden fruit.

Martha Orlando January 9, 2019 at 2:51 pm

Absolutely brilliant analogy here, Andy! I will never look at the Eden story in the same way again. Yes, we are called to be God’s stewards and sustainers, for we belong to Him, as does all of creation.
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..Lean on Me

Robin Wood January 9, 2019 at 10:45 pm

Great article. I think we know ALOT of people who need this.

Robin Wood January 9, 2019 at 10:45 pm

Great job babe. I think we both know many who thus can help.
Robin Wood´s last blog post ..Unlocking the Eden Code

Kathy Ireland January 19, 2019 at 2:25 am

Great article. I think we know ALOT of people who need this.
tails of the dragon cool math

Ahnoni Nightingale kahlo February 27, 2019 at 5:47 pm

I have always had an altogether different viewpoint regarding the snake, the apple & Eve. The snake is, on one hand, a symbolism for a road with a fork in it. (the forked tongue) He is an example of our free will. Eve was bored, restless and couldn’t believe that this was all there was to life in the garden.

A woman has the capacity to grow life within her and then to give birth to a miracle. Within her mind/spirit/body and soul she KNOWS things that she doesn’t even understand but trusts implicitly. Eve has boundless wisdom and no place to use all of it.

That’s an explosion waiting to happen. Whenever life is fitted & smooshed into a space too small expect a kind of death to follow. Whatever that too small space was must be obliterated to make room for a breath of life to flow naturally thru it. Very similar to the first breath we took in when our dr slapped us on our bottom.
Eve, and us, will always find a way because life doesn’t forget about its babies! It’ll come to your rescue. Life, the universe and we work in tandem. We are never abandoned.

The apple and snake did not give her anything she didn’t already possess. The apple and the snake were pretty bored themselves and enjoyed being naughty. They liked to disrupt “what is,” to watch “what if.” {I believe we all know some snakes and apples}. They were rebels doing their job perfectly. And they certainly didn’t expect this potent bombshell filled with more life than she knew how to handle. When Eve came to them she said, ” Oh, I know there is more. I can’t sleep and when I do I dream of things that don’t exist, yet feel they are entirely true.” The snake and apple raised their eyebrows in shock & as if to say, “we got a live one here guys.”
She laments that the kids are napping and her husband is taking his noonday siesta. She’s a girl gone wild living in too tame a place. She is in pain because all of her is not being nourished. She feels death and is aware that it is of her own mind and spirit. She can’t make out the offender who is stealing it from her.
Eve is life itself. She can not really die but parts of her go underground to seed. Parts of her grow cold from hibernating and she’s getting frostbite. One day when she is wild with misery she goes to the snake. He’s really the only one with a brain in the Garden. He’s also a great listener. Adam’s not so hot in that area. He’s got his skills but this is not one of them. Eve runs and stumbles pushing her hair from her eyes and smearing her face with the flour she was using to knead daily bread. She looks like a mad woman but has not lost her self. She is mad and wild because she feels that something is wrong and this feeling is eating her like the worm ravages an apple from the inside out!
Eve collapses under the tree of knowledge and lets all of her troubled heart,, cry out un-ashamed. She becomes one with the pain until she can speak its tongue! How olll HOW OLLLL Hwol Howellll Howilll HOWL HOWL HOWL. Her Sound is Heard.
That howl, that piercing, haunting, sound awakens God, himself. Now, Eve has his full attention. The ancient serpent winds across his boughs and slithers gracefully down, round, down, down until his breath can be felt on her ear. She looks up and moves. She’s a bit surprised and taken aback.
” Is there something bothering you, Eve?” the serpent hisses. Eve sniffs and begins to stutter. “I jjj jjust know. I jjuussst know.” What do you think you know, dear one?’ Our serpent hisses. Eve looks serpent-head square in the eyes and screams, ” I am overqualified for this life! I’m sick to death of cooking, cleaning and if I see another flower I’m gonna drag it up by its root.” The serpent laughs and winks at her. He has one eye on her and the other is rolled straight up looking into God’s eye.
“Ahhhh, honey, Evie we know you are. We just needed you to know this yourself. You are so much more than this and are full of untapped potential and mystery.” “So you really want another kind of life? Be sure now.”
Eve replies with her signature, eye roll and a finger gesture and yells, “DUH!”
Alright, serpent- head says, “Hey apple get your finest apple over here. We’ve got someone very special here who ‘qualifies’ for this apple’s blessing.. finally. Gee whiz. Phew!”
BTW, Adam will, would & does still take care of the tree. That’s his job. He doesn’t do well with bigger abstract vitally important pieces of information. We females do. The thing that Adam does do is he is the eternal caretaker and protector of the tree of life. His heart is so good that he is the only one worthy of this role. Adam understands the tree(s) and everything that grows on the earth. All men have an internal knight inside of them. They will honor, protect and do justice for whatever that one thing is or those many things are. Let Adam be. He is doing what always needs to get done and when left alone in solitude and peace he simply becomes a giant of a man, who KNOWS he is made in God’s image It is the man, he, Adam that understands God. When he is not allowed the blessing of being free to be himself he forgets who he is. Be Kinder. Let him remember. Help him remember.
Eve should not have shared the fruit w/ Adam. He did not come to it as she did. Eve was guided to it from her own need.
A piece of fruit like that answers a call. It is there for a very special purpose. It is not to be passed around like it’s some party favor.
Man is made just how he is because he is perfect. He is perfect & born that way.
Adam and Eve never felt shame after the forbidden bite. They felt awakened and maybe a little awkward from the sight of their own ignorance. There is nothing to be ashamed of. They did not know any better.

Only old people that have become old think of things like shame. Shame is an undercover silent killer of life spirit. Shame is man-made not God or life-made. Shame on those old, old, men for writing down a lie in such a good book.

Jonathan Krause June 17, 2019 at 8:05 am

I read with interest Ahnoni Nightingale kahlo’s comments and I think he doesn’t actually understand the text of the scriptures. He relates the story of the Garden in worldly terms when in actuality this is a spiritual matter and a question of obedience, trust and, yes, stewardship. Scripture tells us that everything is God’s. We are just “share croppers” tasked with the job of tending and enjoying the fruit of God’s kingdom. When we want more and more we are appeasing the lusts within us. the Father wants us to aspire to more than lusts. He wants us to be at peace and complete in his rest (Sabbath); to enjoy his fellowship and love. Our only purpose in life is to Glorify God. What that means to you is something you have to discover, but I can tell you this, it has nothing to do with selfishness and everything to do with selflessness. Blessings be upon you all.

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