Ways and Means

by Andy Wood on April 30, 2018

in 100 Words, Executing Your Plan, Five LV Laws, Leadership, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Freedom

God has ways of doing things.

His ways are different that our way of doing things.

There’s a way that makes sense to us, but the results are disastrous.

But God has different ways.

And He asks us to walk in all of them.

But we can’t.

As far as heaven is above the earth, His ways are higher than our ways.

But God makes a way when there is no way…

His name is Jesus.

He IS the way.

So how can you say you’ve lost your way…

When THE WAY has declared He would never let you go?

Sophia May May 26, 2021 at 3:25 pm

I absolutely live this site.I was just browsing on Google for guidance for my personal life as my heart feels cold and distant though I try daily to pray and read my bible but it’s like every time I do pray it either hits the floor and not even the ceiling. I would end up singing to the Lord or Reading the scriptures out aloud. I felt like I was at a dead end in my RELATIONSHIP with the Lord. Thank you for helping me with sound teaching and guidance in the the WORD 1Thess 5:16-19 I know it will get better.Thank you for this site. Blessing of Peace and Joy.

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