Don’t Miss the Miracle

by Andy Wood on March 27, 2017

in Ability, Exploring the Possibilities, Five LV Laws, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Freedom

see,speak,hear no evil

Don’t miss the miracle.

Don’t get fixated on the “only one way” to find light and life and healing and power. Don’t let the miraculous wonder pass you by while you wait for things to be done your way, or the way they’ve always been done in the past.

Listen for the call.

Hear the voice of compassion.

Let faith arise and take Him at His word.

Step boldly in the direction of your dreams and His power.

Find glory in a Father who doesn’t abide by your limited expectations.

Don’t miss the miracle.

Don’t get lost in constantly monitoring for the conventional and correct.  Do that and you’ll have your reward. You’ll be God’s muckraker, nailing the rule breakers and first-class fakers, the credit takers and troublemakers.

But you’ll miss the miracle.

Right under your nose will be a man born blind who now can see, or a 38-year paraplegic who now (gasp!) carries his bed on the Sabbath. And you’ll be investigating who dropped the ball of compliance.

Right next to you is the addict-now-free declaring the praises of the Chain Buster. He’ll leave it to you to decide on the worthiness of his clothes or tattoos.

You’ll point out the trivial obvious – but the miracle remains a shameful oblivious.

The whole world is dancing in wonder and praise and you’re still trying to shackle the Wonder Maker. You may as well try to rope the wind.

Seek the truth and the way, but don’t forget the life.

Pursue the right, but don’t be stupid enough to tell your Maker what He can’t do.

Raise the standard.

But don’t miss the miracle in the process.

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