When everything around you seems unsettled, and old foundations, once-sturdy, have given way to more invisible calls for faith…

As familiar faces and customary graces distance themselves, each for reasons of their own – each creating their own sense of short-term grief or longing…

I pray that you will experience a fresh rush of God’s Spirit – manifesting Himself powerfully, touching your heart tenderly, transforming you beautifully, reminding you faithfully that you are never truly alone.

Though the way or the day may seem dark, and the familiar paths covered over with uncertainty labeled as “growth,”

I pray you mount up on the twin wings of faith and hope, soaring with a love that never grows weary – even when the love of others becomes cold or calloused and your heart grows weary…

New visions and dreams will stretch out before you, and I pray you will dare to reach for them, even if you’re the only one reaching.  And…

Giving your all, I pray that even in the shaky transitions and lonely excursions, your life will be an offering of praise to the One who never changes, sleeps or rests.  He is the wind beneath your wings.  His are the arms that welcome you home.  His is the voice that whispers, “Peace, be still.”

Greg Ray September 19, 2016 at 4:54 am

Thank you Dr. Wood. Amen.

Becky September 26, 2016 at 1:38 pm

That picture, those words, exactly where I am today.

” the One who never changes, sleeps or rests. He is the wind beneath your wings. His are the arms that welcome you home. His is the voice that whispers, “Peace, be still.”

Those are the words I needed to hear.
Thank you

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