Elisabeth Elliot on Waiting

by Andy Wood on June 17, 2015

in Five LV Laws, Insight, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Eternity, Waiting


Elisabeth Elliot is one of the most impactful writers I have read. She was always on my bucket list of people I hoped to meet one day.  We’ll now have to plan for that in glory, as she went into the presence of Jesus two days ago.  I thought I would share with you something from her book Loneliness about the subject of waiting.  The writing is hers; the editing is mine.  Thank you, Elisabeth, for being one of my lifevestors…

Many times in my life God has asked me to wait when I wanted to move forward.

He has kept me in the dark when I asked for light.

To my pleas for guidance His answer has often been, “Sit still, My daughter.” 

I like to see progress.

I look for evidence that God is at least doing something.

If the Shepherd leads us beside still waters when we were hoping for “white water” excitement, it is hard to believe anything really vital is taking place.

God is silent.

The house is silent.

The phone doesn’t ring.

The mailbox is empty.

The stillness is hard to bear – and God knows that.

He knows our frame and remembers we are made of dust.

He is very patient with us when we are trying to be patient with Him.

Waiting on God is an act of faith – the greatest ever required of us humans.

Not faith in the outcome we are dictating to God, but faith in His character, faith in Himself.

It is resting in the perfect confidence that He will guide in the right way, at the right time.

He will supply our need.

He will fulfill His word.

He will give us the very best if we trust Him.

-Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015)

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