Designed Potential

by Andy Wood on April 15, 2015

in 100 Words, Exploring the Possibilities, Five LV Laws, LV Cycle, Photos, Principle of Increase

Sequoia 1Seventy miles above the earth’s surface, a satellite captures the image of a single majestic sequoia tree, rising 300 feet above the barren wasteland that once was California.

Okay, just kidding.

About California, anyway.

It really is a sequoia tree.

Not 300 feet tall, yet.

More like 3 inches.

Sequoia 2

In a recent tour of the Redwood Forest, I was predictably awed of those stately giants.

But I got excited whenever I saw a young seedling starting its skyward ascent.

Just call me a sucker for hope.

And a future.

And designed potential…

Like the potential that remains untapped in you.

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