Are You a Pedestrian?

by Andy Wood on December 2, 2013

in Consumers, Exploring the Possibilities, Five LV Laws, LV Alter-egos, LV Cycle, Principle of Abundance

Bored ChristmasThe other day my son-in-law and oldest grandson had this little exchange:

Cohen:  What does that sign say?
Curtis:  Pedestrian crossing. Are you a pedestrian?
Cohen: No. I’m a Christian.

Super funny at face value.  Typically profound as children’s funny things can be when you dig deeper.

Everybody knows what pedestrian, the noun, means, right?  “Walker.”

Or in more recent days, “somebody who texts without a seat belt.”

But as an adjective, “pedestrian” means something different.  The dictionary definition:

“lacking inspiration or excitement; dull.”

Synonyms include words like dull, boring, tedious, monotonous, uneventful, unremarkable, tiresome, wearisome, uninspired, unimaginative, unexciting, uninteresting, and uninvolving.

Are you pedestrian?

No.  I’m Christian.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if being a Christian really was the opposite of being pedestrian?  Wouldn’t it be amazing if somebody said, referring to one of us, “He’s too much of a Christian to live a pedestrian life”?

If you trace Christianity back to its earthly beginnings, you can certainly make a case for that.  If the Christmas story means anything, it means that the God of Heaven has dispatched his storm troopers with a message and a warning: Things are about to get interesting.

And Christmas is a reminder that this is the perspective of heaven.

Think about the biblical characters involved…

Mary? Hardly uneventful.

Joseph?  Don’t think we would say his life was monotonous anymore.

Shepherds?  Whatever sheep herding at midnight looked like prior, it became anything but dull when the angel armies showed up.

But the most important thing in all their lives was how different they became because of it.  Even the shepherds, those paragons of responsible living, didn’t say, “Well, we’d better get back to the sheep.”  They went into broadcast mode.

Think of the words or phrases associated with that amazing event:

Good news.

Great joy.


Fear not.

Born king.


With God all things are possible.

Not a pedestrian description in the bunch.  So when did “people of faith” start equating the things of God with playing it safe, monotonous routines, or chewing the spiritual cud?

I don’t think that’s what the Architect of the Ages had in mind.

What can we do or how can we live this Christmas (and beyond) that claims our birthright and keeps us from shuffling along in pedestrian lives?

How can I live with imagination?  Inspiration? Engagement?

What can you do that’s remarkable? Or how can you enter in to the remarkable that already is?

Please tell me we haven’t reduced “remarkable” to where we can find the best deals on the latest gadget.  Please tell me we haven’t forgotten how to keep the Story of the Ages ageless and breathless with anticipation.

Are you a pedestrian?

No. I’m a Christian.

I hope to God there is something in me this Christmas season that can testify to that.  How about you?

Martha Orlando December 2, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Wow! You had me thrilled all over again about the meaning of Christmas and inspired me check my Christian walk. Is there a joyous spring in my step, or am I shuffling along like an average pedestrian (are those last two words redundant)?
And, kids do say the darndest things, don’t they? No wonder Jesus told us to become as little children to enter His kingdom!
Oh, and can’t wait to read your 12 Pathways to Christmas again this year, Andy.
Martha Orlando´s last blog post ..The Battle Rages On . . .

Andy Wood December 2, 2013 at 2:16 pm

Thanks, friend. And thank you for sharing the book with your FB friends.

RE: the kids… it’s probably time to assemble a “Cohen Collection.” He has quite a few gems over the last year or so.

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