Had Any Reminders Lately?

by Andy Wood on July 16, 2012

in Enlarging Your Capacity, Five LV Laws, Insight, Life Currency, LV Cycle, Principle of Freedom, Protecting Your Investment

I spend a lot of time trying to think up new things, or new ways to say the familiar things.  I’m a big believer in singing a new song to the Lord and the exquisite beauty that comes from being completely random every once in a while.

That said, our brains were build to learn by repetition, and our hearts were made to be renewed by reminders.  That’s why the Bible has four gospels, Kings and Chronicles, and the books of Deuteronomy and 1 John. All built on some form of repetition.  That’s why the early church met daily from house to house or had a regular assembly on the first day of the week.  To be reminded.  To be renewed.

I know I accidentally repeat myself plenty of times, but today I thought it may be time for a little deliberate renewal – some purpose-driven (sorry, Rick) reminders of the big stuff – a harvested collection of some of the good stuff.  Not my stuff, but those themes that keep us going and keep going themselves long after we’re gone.  So here goes…

Have I told you lately that patience has virtue and value?  That some things or people or ideas merit waiting for?   Have I mentioned that discipline is the supreme expression of devotion, and a foolproof plan for profiting?    So just for today, choose discipline and patience.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that in an unfriendly world, kindness still turns heads and writes stories that are retold over and over?    Have I suggested that one of the ways you can find new friends, new business, and new opportunities is in taking the initiative to help somebody with a need, with no expectations of a return?   So just for today, choose kindness and thoughtfulness.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that jealousy is for losers?  I know that never describes you, but maybe that’ll help you recognize the loser in somebody else.  Have I mentioned that envy is rottenness to the bones, and a sure sign of spiritual attack?    So just for today, choose generosity and goodness.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that you’re important to God and to me, but you may not be as important as you think you are?   Have I reminded you that humility and servanthood forge leadership that lasts?   So just for today, choose humility and servanthood.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that even nice people can come across as insensitive jerks?   Have I pointed out how simple awareness of what other people are thinking and feeling can pay huge dividends – partly because it’s so rare?   So just for today, choose sensitivity and awareness.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that your greatest influence lies in unselfishly serving the needs of others?    Have I suggested that relationship builders think differently than those who move from conflict to conflict, and that by changing your thinking you can change your relationships?   So just for today, chose service and connection.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that the fast lane to becoming a fool lies in making snap judgments of other people?  Have I layered in a reminder somewhere that sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can break your heart?   So just for today, choose thoughts and words that withhold judgment.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that a beautiful life is a life-long adventure in forgiveness?   Have I suggested that empathy and understanding always serve you better than always having to be right?   So just for today choose forgiveness and understanding.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that a stained heart is nothing to glory in or laugh about?   Did I mention that the fury of the moment can leave you with a lifetime of regret?    So just for today, choose purity and freedom.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that truth is glorious, regardless of what the “facts” say?   Have I challenged you that you can think your way to a beautiful life when you accept responsibility for where your thoughts take you?    So just for today, choose truth and virtue.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that because we have a Sin Bearer, there are some names and labels you’ll never hear in heaven?   Have I reminded you that you can go from shame to grace because Jesus Christ first went in grace to your shame to carry it away?   So just for today, choose grace and redemption.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that expectancy has power?  How powerfully you can shape someone else’s life by the way you believe the best about them?   Did I point out that sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone else is the gift of boldly being yourself ?    So just for today, choose expectancy and confidence.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that hope is more than wishful thinking, and is the birthright of every believer, regardless of the outward circumstances?    Have I mentioned the big adventure we all get to share as we anticipate more to come?   So just for today, choose anticipation and hope.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Have I told you lately that in leadership and in life, there is no substitute for endurance in the face of adversity?  Did I also point out that perseverance doesn’t have to be a solo flight?   So just for today, choose endurance and encouragement.  In the end you will find that it’s worth it.

Thanks for going there with me today.  I needed that.

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